A Band of Orcs is a death metal and thrash metal band formed in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California. The band’s unique theme revolves around orcs and mythical battles, creating a distinct identity in the metal community. Their lyrics and themes explore orcish lore, human slaughter, and warfare, setting them apart from other bands in the genre. Their musical style...
A Band Of Orcs
A Band of Orcs is a death metal and thrash metal band formed in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California. The band’s unique theme revolves around orcs and mythical battles, creating a distinct identity in the metal community. Their lyrics and themes explore orcish lore, human slaughter, and warfare, setting them apart from other bands in the genre.
Their musical style blends the heaviness of death metal with the aggressive elements of thrash, creating a raw and powerful sound. The band’s current lineup includes Gronk! (vocals), Cretos Filthgrinder (lead guitar), Oog Skullbasher (drums), Srig Foehammer (bass), and Ghazghul Coffinfeeder (rhythm guitar). Notably, they have performed alongside some of the biggest names in metal, such as Slayer, Slipknot, and Cannibal Corpse, and participated in tours like the Mayhem Festival and the Summer Slaughter Tour.
Their discography includes the EP *WarChiefs of the Apocalypse* (2007), the album *Adding Heads to the Pile* (2012), and the demo *March of the Gore-Stained Axe Tribe* (2013). After a brief hiatus due to battles in their fictional realm of Hirntodia, A Band of Orcs has returned with a reformed lineup and a promise of more brutal, tribal orc metal in their upcoming releases.
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